Source code for archives_org_latin_toolkit

""" Module from


from pandas import read_csv
import os
import re
import multiprocessing
import math

__numb__ = re.compile("([-]?\d+( BCE)?)")

[docs]def bce(x): """ Format A BCE string :param x: Value to parse :type x: str :return: Parsed numeral :rtype: str """ if "BCE" in x: return ("-" + x.replace(" BCE", "")).replace("--", "-") return x
[docs]def period(x): """ Parse a period in metadata. If there is multiple dates, returns the mean :param x: Value to parse :type x: str :return: Parsed numeral :rtype: int """ dates = [ int(bce(number)) for number, _ in __numb__.findall(x) ] return math.ceil(sum(dates)/len(dates))
[docs]class Metadata: """ Metadata object for a file :param csv_file: Path to the CSV file to parse :type csv_file: str """ def __init__(self, csv_file): self.__csv__ = read_csv( csv_file, delimiter="\t", index_col=0, dtype={ "identifier": str, "creator": str, "title": str, "date of publication": str }, converters={ "date of composition": period }, encoding="latin1" )
[docs] def getDate(self, identifier): """ Get the date of a text given its identifier :param identifier: Filename or identifier :type identifier: str :return: Date of composition :rtype: int """ return self.__csv__.get_value(identifier.split("/")[-1], "date of composition")
[docs]class Text: """ Text reading object for archive_org :param file: File path :type file: str :param metadata: Metadata registry :type metadata: Metadata :param lowercase: Clean Text will be in lowercase :type lowercase: bool :ivar name: Name of the file :type name: str :ivar composed: Date of composition :type composed: int """ __entities = re.compile("&\w+;") __punct = re.compile("[^a-zA-Z]+") __space = re.compile("[\s]+") def __init__(self, file, metadata=None, lowercase=False): self.__file__ = file self.__date__ = None self.__raw__ = None self.__clean__ = None self.__lower__ = lowercase self.__metadata__ = metadata @property def name(self): return self.__file__.split("/")[-1] @property def composed(self): if self.__metadata__: if not self.__date__: self.__date__ = self.__metadata__.getDate(self.__file__) return self.__date__ @property def raw(self): if not self.__raw__: with open(self.__file__) as f: self.__raw__ = return self.__raw__ @property def clean(self): """ Clean version of the text : normalized space, remove new line, dehyphenize, remove punctuation and number. """ if not self.__clean__: self.__clean__ = self.__space.sub( " ", self.__punct.sub( " ", self.__entities.sub(" ", self.raw.replace("-\n", "").replace("\n", " ")) ) ) if self.__lower__: self.__clean__ = self.__clean__.lower() return self.__clean__
[docs] def cleanUp(self): """ Clean textual information and free RAM """ self.__raw__ = None self.__clean__ = None
[docs] def has_strings(self, *strings): """ Check if given string is in the file :param strings: Strings as multiple arguments :return: If found, return True :rtype: bool """ status = False for string in strings: if string in self.raw: status = True break return status
[docs] def find_embedding(self, *strings, window=50, ignore_center=False, memory_efficient=True): """ Check if given string is in the file :param strings: Strings as multiple arguments :param window: Number of lines to retrieve :param ignore_center: Remove the word found from the embedding """ array = self.clean.split() strings = list(strings) for i, x in enumerate(array): if x in strings: if ignore_center: yield [w for w in __window__(array, window, i) if w != x] else: yield __window__(array, window, i) if memory_efficient: self.cleanUp()
[docs]class Repo: """ Repo reading object for archive_org :param file: File path :type file: str :param metadata: Metadata registry :type metadata: Metadata :param lowercase: Clean Text will be in lowercase :type lowercase: bool """ def __init__(self, directory, metadata=None, lowercase=False): self.__directory__ = directory self.__metadata__ = metadata self.__files__ = { file: Text(os.path.join(root, file), metadata, lowercase=lowercase) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory) for file in files }
[docs] def get(self, identifier): """ Get the Text object given its identifier :param identifier: Filename or identifier :type identifier: str :return: Text object :rtype: Text """ return self.__files__[identifier]
[docs] def find(self, *strings, multiprocess=None, memory_efficient=True): """ Find files who contains given strings :param strings: Strings as multiple arguments :param multiprocess: Number of process to spawn :type multiprocess: int :param memory_efficient: Drop the content of files to avoid filling the ram with unused content :type memory_efficient: bool :return: Files who are matching the strings :rtype: generator """ if isinstance(multiprocess, int): files = list(self.__files__.values()) chunksize = int(math.ceil(len(files) / float(multiprocess))) kwargs = [ (strings, files[chunksize * i:chunksize * (i + 1)], memory_efficient) for i in range(multiprocess) ] pool = multiprocessing.Pool(multiprocess) for result in pool.imap_unordered(__find_multiprocess__, kwargs): for element in result: yield element else: for file in self.__files__.values(): if file.has_strings(*strings): yield file self.__files__[].__raw__ = None self.__files__[].__clean__ = None
[docs]def __find_multiprocess__(args): """ Find files who contains given strings :param args: Tuple where first element are Strings as list and second element is list of file objects :return: Files who are matching the strings :rtype: list """ strings, files, memoryefficient = args results = [] while len(files): file = files.pop() if file.has_strings(*strings): results.append(file) file.cleanUp() return results
[docs]def __window__(array, window, i): """ Compute embedding using i :param strings: :param window: Number of word to take left, then right [ len(result) = (2*window)+1 ] :param i: Index of the word :param memory_efficient: Drop the content of files to avoid filling the ram with unused content :type memory_efficient: bool :return: List of words """ return array[max(i-window, 0):min(i+window+1, len(array))]